By Jenny Segal.

Do women get a raw deal? Is the gender debate overdone?
How can society right the gender inequities that so many of us perceive?
We are at a tipping point. Everywhere we look, there is mention of gender inequity and the need to right it: from gender pay gaps to gender diversity, from glass ceilings to glass cliffs, from mansplaining to menopause. But with quotas to catapult women onto boards and to the top of the corporate tree, there is a real risk that men are becoming disenfranchised. Has it all gone too far?
Drawing on the candid, eye-opening experiences of some 80 professionals - male and female, junior and senior - this book takes the temperature of the gender debate, surfacing the everyday challenges and our many biases, helping us to find our way to a fairer world with better political, economic and social outcomes for us all.
“A fabulous book, I lived it and loved it. I could identify with every single theme. Jenny has brought real life examples into the debate, which will continue as we fight to empower the next generation of senior female leaders without disenfranchising men"
Laura Chappell – CEO, Brunel Pension Partnership
“This book is a must-read for anyone interested in workplace culture, especially for men who want to be better allies to their female colleagues. It's insightful, practical, and incredibly engaging. Whether you're a leader, a team member, or just someone who cares about equality and fairness, you’ll find the memorable stories, lived experiences, tools and understanding needed to motivate and help you to make meaningful changes”
Calum Cooper - Chair of Partnership Council, Hymans Robertson